Tuesday, June 8, 2010

College Football Playoff

Well before the inception of the BCS, the talk about a playoff system in the NCAA Football has run rampant. Those screaming in the past have only raised the volume since the BCS started and teams that have had perfect seasons in non-BCS conferences such as Utah and Boise State have been passed over to play for the National Title. But we might be seeing the beginning of the end of the unscrupulous college football championship game. If a couple of senators could have their way, it would be in a form of a playoff system. But money is the real culprit of the lack of a playoff system, and it seems that is driving college football into a new era.

College Football Playoffs

There is an bipartisan march against the BCS in the Senate these days. Senators Max Baucus (D-Montana) and Orin Hatch (R-Utah) have been leading a crusade against the BSC and sent a letter to BCS Executive Directory Bill Hancock in March expressing their concerns with the BCS system.

Hancock replied that it is none of their concern and that "decisions about college football should be made by university presidents, athletic directors, coaches and conference commissioners rather than by members of Congress."

Baucus and Hatch were not satisfied with the rhetoric contained in the reply and fired back. Congress might not be the appropriate place to decide the playoff system, but not answering questions and metaphorically flipping the bird to Senators will rarely appease them to stop pursuing their agenda.

Mega Conferences

The Pac 10 has given Commissioner Larry Scott approval to pursue expansion. Reports are that he is looking at six teams from the Big 12. Reports also state that the Big 10 is looking at two teams from the Big 12.

Expansion is mainly due to money and television networks. The Big 10 has their own network and illustrated the profitability of it. Now other conferences want in. Money is the only motivator for college football conferences. This greed could lead to the formation of mega BCS conferences by dissolving and swallowing up lesser conference. Though I would have expected non-BSC conferences to have been the first to be swallowed up, it seems the Big 12 will be instead.

Mega conferences could be a second plan to appease everyone bu making all of the teams part of BSC conferences. Though it isn't a playoff system, it will be a less bias system and level the playing field a little bit.

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