Friday, June 18, 2010

Albert Haynesworth Trade Request

Albert Haynesworth has been a hold-out since Mike Shanahan was announced as the new coach.  Shortly after the announcement, Haynesworth requested a trade - a trade that will be hard to make with his behemothic $100 million contract and his minute performance and work ethic. Apparently the only this big or bigger than his contract is his selfishness.

No 3-4 Defense

Apparently the root to Haynesworth's dissatisfaction with the Redskins is Coach Shanahan's decision to switch to the the 3-4 defense, which moved Haynesworth inside. Haynesworth isn't interested in taking blocks and double teams to free up a teammate that will get the sacks. It has been reported that he was promised prior to signing last year that they wouldn't transform into a 3-4 defense. Albert should know better that everything in the NFL is subject to change...especially with a new coach. Besides, with his lackluster performance last year, how can anyone expect him to play well in a 4-3?

Redskins Players Frustrations

The Redskins' players haven't been very quite in expressing their opinions, at least London Fletcher hasn't. Fletcher went off the other day saying that Haynesworth is being selfish with his antics. Fletcher went on to say that if that is the case, they don't need him.

Other players around the league have also weighed in on Tweeter and through other outlets. Most are saying if you pay them $100 million that they will do anything you ask. Yeah probably, until they receive the check.

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