Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lendale White Released

He dropped weight for the reunion with coach Pete Carroll, but yesterday the Seattle Seahawk cut the reunion short and cut Lendale White.  The Seahawks cut him a couple of months after trading for him during the NFL Draft.  The Seahawks are now back to where they were before the draft - without a goal line back. 

Drug Offense

It has been reported that Lendale White had been in violation of the league's substance abuse policy. Though no details of what drug White tested positive for, Jason La Canfora from the NFL Network is reporting White was facing a four game suspension. This can't be the major reason the release though, the Seahawks were aware of the possible suspension when they traded for him.

Work Ethic

It seems that White is suffering from Jamarcus Russell disease. White has never been the most motivated worker among his teammates. Though the Seahawks must have thought he had changed with the drop in weight.

The only explanation of the release was from General Manager John Schneider stating, "It became apparent at this time that LenDale was not ready to be a member of the Seahawks. It just did not appear to be the right fit at this point in our program. We wish LenDale all the best with his future."

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ben Roethlisberger Latest News

Ben Roethlisberger was suspended by Commissioner Roger Goodell a couple months ago for a total of six games for the upcoming 2010 NFL season.  Goodell alse required Roethlisberger to under go a behavioral evaluation before returning to the team and participating in organized team activities or OTA. 

Behavioral Evaluation

Rothlisberger completed the required behavioral evaluations a few weeks back. Today, Commissioner Roger Goodell officially allowed Big Ben to report back to the team. We still don't know what the evaluation determined about Rothlisberger, and never will be. This evaluation is part the NFL trying to help one of its own. Whether it was determined if Roethlisberger needed counseling or not, we will probably never know unless Big Ben starts skipping sessions.


It is widely suspected that the six game suspension that Goodell levied on Roethlisberger will be reduced to four games. The schedule definitely makes you believe this as well. Week five is a bye week for the Steelers, which would give Ben an extra week of practice before the Steelers' fifth game.

The schedule makers knew what they were doing while figuring out the night games too. Whether Big Ben comes back in four games or not, he will be available for their first prime time game of the year. The seventh game of the year is the first of 4 national televised games. The NFL might be harsh on suspensions, but that doesn't mean they will let it hurt their marketing efforts!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NFL Spring Meeting

The owners all 32 NFL franchises are meeting for their Spring Meeting and discussing a few big topics. The first was reported yesterday about the 2014 Super Bowl. The other is about the overtime rule.

New York/New Jersey Super Bowl

The owners awarded the New York/New Jersey area the Super Bowl for the 2013 season. The area can definitely entertain all those visiting for the game. The rule that the city must have a mean temperature of 50 degrees was lifted for this vote but Roger Goodell says that it doesn't set a precedence for other could weather teams. Really? I believe this is the definition of precedence.

Overtime Rule

The owners voted to implement an overtime rule during the playoffs this year during the Winter Meeting earlier this year in Hawai'i. The rule will allow the team that kicks off to open overtime period to have a chance to tie or win the game if the receiving team scores on the first possession. There was speculation that the owners would vote to implement the rule during the regular season. Roger Goodell announce yesterday that they owners and competition committee members have decided to table the discussion. This topic will undoubtedly be revisited in next year's Winter Meetings.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New York City Super Bowl Bid

The NFL owners are expected to vote on the site of the 2014 Super Bowl. It is expected that New York City will be easily win it bids at the summer meetings this year. Does this open the door for other cold weather teams to host the NFL's biggest game?

Why New York?

The game wouldn't really be in New York; the stadium is across the river in New Jersey. But the NFL is salivating at the opportunity to host a game in a "new" stadium. The Jets and Giants open their new shared home field this year. Thought the Meadowlands Stadium will be four years old at that time, it will be one of the newest stadiums ever to host a Super Bowl.

Besides the weather in February, the area is perfect to host a game. The size and accommodations in the various suburbs can definitely host the event in every way.

Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Snow

The downfall of any Super Bowl is the weather. Only 3 months ago, the North East was still digging out of one of the worst snow storms in recent memories. From Pennsylvania to Maine, cites were shut down and citizens were without power. What is the logistics of getting 60,000+ people to a game in the middle of a snow storm? The show must go one!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Brett Favre Ankle

Brett Favre had surgery last week on the ankle he injured during the NFC Championship game against the New Orleans Saints. Does this point to a Favre return, once again this season? He had shoulder surgery before announcing his return last year. The one thing we know is that until Brett Favre says he's retired, we still won't know anything.

Brett Favre Ankle Surgery

Brett Favre confirmed reports May 20 on his website, but didn't make mention of the possibility of a comeback. Noted orthopedic specialist Dr. James Andrews performed the arthroscopic procedure on Favre's ankle. Favre is definitely out 4-6 weekes to rehab the ankle.

"This is to confirm that I did have a procedure to remove some scar tissue and bone spurs from my ankle which had been bothering me for a period of time," Favre's statement on his website said. "I appreciate your concerns."

It was mentioned many times before that Brett has had this surgery in the past. Only time will tell if he will be dressed in purple this season.

Brett Favre Retirement?

If Brett has made a decision, his lips are sealed. But we know that he has spoke with Coach Brad Childress multiple times this offseason. Though the money isn't guaranteed like last year, there are 13 million reasons why Brett could decide to return. I know it's not like he needs the money, but athletes play in the NFL to get paid. Favre would most likely miss training camp and other off-season workouts like he did last year.

Until the great gunslinger actually sits out a year, I won't count him out.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Santana Moss HGH

A day after reports that Dr. Anthony Galea was charged with several crimes including smuggling human growth hormone by federal prosecutors, it is now reported who the NFL player was that Dr. Galea's assistant was traveling to see in September.

Santana Moss Injury

While crossing the Peace Brigde into Buffalo, Mary Anne Catalano was arrested in September. At the time of her arrest, she stated that she was on her way to a treat a player in Washington DC. The Buffalo News reported today that the player that was to be treated with HGH was Washington Redskin wide receiver Santana Moss.

Santana Moss Charges or Suspension

According to the newspaper, U.S. Attorney in Buffalo, William J. Hochul Jr, said it is unlikely that any atheletes that were treated by the doctor would face charges.

Hochul said, "At this juncture, any of the persons who are alleged to have used these substances are considered witnesses, and not targets."

But the NFL might not be so forgiving. The Rodney Harrison case set precedent on this matter in 2007. Harrison was suspended for four games after it was found that he admitted to law enforcement official that he used HGH. In that case, NFL security officials were provided access to information by law enforcement. Greg Aiello cited this case when answering question about the current investigation and revelations of possible use by Sanatan Moss.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

NFL HGH Testing

The other day Canadian doctor, Anthony Galea, was charged with smuggling human growth hormone (HGH), making false statements for federal officials, conspiracy and unlawfully distributing HGH within the U.S. His clients include Alex Rodriguez, Tiger Woods and unnamed NFL players.

NFL HGH Patients

The lawsuit by the federal government states that Dr. Galea gave three NFL players HGH. Sources close to the case state that he helped treat players with injuries and not to give them a competitive edge. The NFL released a statement saying, "This is an ongoing federal investigation and we have not been informed of the identity of these players." The statement continues to say, "When we have had evidence of illegal purchase, possession, or use of HGH, we have imposed discipline and are fully prepared to do so again if the facts support it."

HGH Testing

There is a test for HGH and the NFL would like to administer it along with the other drug screening; however, the player's union will not accept the terms of the test because it is a blood test. The union's stance is that because the test requires drawing blood that it is too invasive.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Andre Johnson Contract

Andre Johnson sat out of organized team activities Monday in protest of his contract. Johnson, who signed an eight year deal in 2007, is now unhappy with the contract and wants a new deal.

This is just another distraction for the Houston Texans after Brian Cushing's suspension for violating the NFL's steroid policy.

8 Years, $60 Million

Johnson was dissatisfied with his original contract that he signed as a rookie and the Texans reworked that contract with two years left. This contract, that still has five years remaining, pays him $60 million over the 8 years with $15 million guaranteed. Johnson is expected to be paid a base of 5.8 million in 2010.

New Contract?

Texan's General Manager, Rick Smith, said he isn't worried about Johnson missing OTA's and said that Johnson should know that they are willing to sit down and talk. But working a new deal with so many years left on the existing contract is rare.

Johnson has been nothing but a productive professional for the Texans during his career. But like almost every other athlete, he was looking for a long term deal - and he got it. Now he thinks he is worth more (and he might be right) and wants a new contract. If players want to be the highest paid each year, why commit to so many years. If he would have signed a five year deal instead, it would probably be easier to work out a new contract with three years left rather than five.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chicago Bears Undrafted Free Agents

The Chicago Bears have been chasing the formula for a Super Bowl winning team for quite some years. Though they made it to the big game, they were far from a complete team. Quarterback was the biggest question mark for years. When their patience with Kyle Orton ran up, they traded for Jay Cutler. Besides trying to fill in holes in during the draft, the Bears signed a couple wide receiver after the draft as potential targets for Cutler.

Bowling Green Freddie Barnes

Freddie Barnes, a Chicago area native, played wide receiver at Bowling Green. During his three years as a starter, Barnes showed his versatility by making plays as quarterback, running back and receiver. Barnes was invited to the East-West Shrine Game in 2009. His 82 receptions rank third in school history for one season.

Michigan Greg Mathews

Greg Mathews, also a Chicago area native, was a four year starter at Michigan and is the cousin of Ted Ginn Jr. He is an athletic player and provides versatility. Mathews finished his senior season with 29 catches for 397 yards four touchdowns.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Brian Cushing and hCG

Brain Cushing was suspended a week ago for violating the NFL's steroid policy because of a positive test for human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Not a steroid in itself, there isn't many reasons why a male would use it.

HCG and Steroids

Human chorionic gonadotropin stimulated ovulation by influencing the last stages of ovum development. So why were Cushing take this hormone? HCG helps stimulates testosterone in men. This is done by atheletes because it usually takes some time for the human body to start normal productin of testosterone after a cycle of anabolic steroids. To bridge this gap, HCG is taken.

AP Defensive Rookie of the Year

There was a re-vote this past week on the AP Defensive Rookie of the Year Award that Cushing won last year. He won in a landslide during the first vote beating the second place finisher by more than 20 votes. Though Cushing won the award on the second vote as well, it was much closer and he only won by five votes.

Though this is a slippery slope that the AP is treading on with a re-vote, it does show that people are sick and tired of steroid use. It has been much more acceptable in the NFL in years, but it seems that view is changing - and rightfully so.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Houston Texans' Brian Cushing Suspended

The AP Defensive Player of the Year, Brian Cushing, has been suspended for violating NFL's Steroid Policy and will miss the first four games in the upcoming season. Now the AP is looking to take their award away from him.

Brian Cushing Steriods

There has been rumors following Cushing for years. Even in college he had been questioned about possible performance enhancing drug use, which he always denied. Even with the suspensions, Cushing is still denying that he has ever used steroids. Even though he was suspended for violating the steroid policy, he didn't test positive for steroids. He tested positive for another banned substance. This could be a masking agent or another PED on the banned list. Regardless, it now looks to many that the only reason he has never tested positive for steroid is because he hasn't been caught with them in his system. Wonder if he was taking female hormones like Manny Ramirez.

AP Defensive Rookie of the Year

For the first time, the AP is allowing its voters to recast their votes with the new revelations of Cushing's positive test, which actually happened in September during the 2009 season. In the past decade, three AP Defensive Rookie of the Year winners have been suspended for testing positive for PEDs. Along with Cushing, Shawne Merrimam and Julius Peppers, both big stars, have also been suspended.

One questions I have. Why do you not hear as much uproar when an NFL player is busted for PEDs as you do when a baseball player does. I guess since the NFL is the league that made steroids common, people just accept it. If the stars of the league are taking these drugs, I wonder what the other players are doing to keep up?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

2010 Caroline Panthers Offseason Notes

The Carolina Panthers had many holes to fill during the NFL Draft after the loss of many veteran players including quarterback Jake Delhomme. With this in mind, the Panthers went out and got more picks. With the 10 picks they had during the 2010 NFL Draft they were rather balanced drafting 5 defensive players and 5 offensive plays - though 3 of those were quarterbacks.

Carolina Draft Results

Well it looks like it is official - the Carolina Panthers are rebuilding. Their first pick, which was in the first round, was their biggest. They drafted Jimmy Clausen from Notre Dame to be the franchise quarterback of the future. Matt Moore is slotted as the starting position, but Clausen could compete for that spot this year. That could make for a long season and maturation process for Clausen. He didn't drop to the second round for no reason.

Armanti Edwards is the athletic quarterback from Appalachian State. He is open the field as a possible wildcat player. More than likely you will see him as a wide receiver.

Their final quarterback pick was the accomplished Cincinnati quarterback, Tony Pike. This is a nice value pick in the 6th round. Two accomplished passers surely doesn't reflect well on the confidence that upper brass has for Matt Moore.

Carolina Undrafted Free Agents

The Panthers were rather busy signing undrafted free agents. It's hard to say any of them are sure things to make the team. A few of them will make the practice squad on the offensive and defensive line. But don't expect any of them to rock your world anytime soon.

Here is a list of the Panthers undrafted free agent signings:

Ray Hisatake; OL, Hawaii
Kurtis Gregory; OG, Missouri
Mark Ortmann; OT, Michigan
Rashawn Jackson; FB, Virginia
Andrew George; TE, BYU
Oliver Young; WR, South Carolina State
Andre Neblett; DT, Temple
Matt O’Hanlon; S, Nebraska
Blake Hauden; P, Minnesota
Aaron Pettrey; K, Ohio State

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2010 Buffalo Bills Notes

The Buffalo Bills enter the 2010 with multiple needs. Two of the priorities go hand in hand, but weren't really addressed. But like most of the teams in the draft, the Bills sured up their defense both during the draft and after.

Buffalo Bills Draft Results

The Buffalo Bills used their first draft pick on the talented running back from Clemson. CJ Spiller is a multi-purpose back that signals the end to Marshawn Lynch experiment. As the 9th overall pick in the draft, it will be seen if the Spiller's speed will be evident on a grass field and the elements that are seen during the season in Buffalo.

The problem areas of offensive line and quarterback were not really addressed during this draft. The Bills only drafted 2 offensive lineman and a quarterback from Troy State late in the draft. Spiller might take the pressure off of Edwards, or whoever else in under center this year, but can the line open holes for him to run?

Buffalo Bills Undrafted Free Agents

The Buffalo Bills continued with the defensive theme by signing two defensive players as undrafted free agents.

Linebacker Antonio Coleman is a 6 foot 4, 248 pound three year starter at Alburn. During his career he had 24.5 sacks, which ranks third in school history. Coleman was also announced as First Team All SEC in both 2008 and 2009.

The second signing was Dominique Harris from Temple. This 6 foot 2 inch was named First Team All MAC Conference in 2009. He was also the recipient of the 2009 The Owl Award for the Most Valuable Player.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

2010 Baltimore Ravens Notes

The Baltimore Ravens have been making moves during the offseason and have sured up their offense by signing wide receiver Anquan Bolden and give quarterback Joe Flacco a legitimate passing threat. How about the draft picks and undrafted free agents.

2010 Draft Result

The Ravens had seven draft picks during the draft. With those draft picks they picked up 3 defense players. The problem I see is that these players are defensive lineman. Every team needs a pass rusher, especially in today's pass happy league, but their linebackers and defensive backs are old. This has been a knock against the team for a few years, but they did nothing to address it. With Ed Reed contemplating retirement at the end of the 2009 season and now having surgery, you would think they would address these positions. Instead they pick lineman, tight ends and wide receivers.

Notable Undrafted Free Agents

The Ravens had many of the undrafted free agents that they invited to rookie mini-camp on their radars during the draft. Most notable of all of their undrafted free agents is the University of Memphis runningback Curtis Steele. Steele ranked first in team history in rushing yards, carries, rushing touchdowns, points scored and all purpose yards. Steele was also a leader in Conference USA and named to the 2009 All C-USA first team. For a team that has had past struggles with running backs, time will tell if Steele becomes the player they were hoping.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Brett Favre Retirement

Now that the NFL Draft is over, the another yearly ritual of the off-season now starts to gain momentum. The Brett Favre saga. Will he or won't he? Only Brett, and maybe the Vikings, really know. But his media blitz of confusion has started.

Brett Favre Ankle Injury

Announcement that Favre needed ankle surgery increased a somewhat quite off-season of speculation. It turns out that Favre needs surgery to clean up bone spurs; a surgery his has has in the past. Brett needed shoulder surgery last year, which is did have, and signed with the Minnesota Vikings. The 2009 season was one of Brett's best, especially in recent years, and had the least interceptions in a season during his long career. Though Brett played like a younger version, he has made a point to say he didn't feel young.

Brett Favre & The Minnesota Vikings

It seems that the Brad Childress believe that Favre is returning for one more year. The didn't seem interested in finding a replacement in the draft and passed over and over on Jimmy Clausen and Colt McCoy. It is hard to believe that Tarvaris Jackson is the answer for one more win and a Super Bowl birth. Next year's draft should be deep with quarterbacks, and it seems the Vikings are going to wait for their quarterback of the future - and Brett Favre.